
Showing posts from May, 2020

Paid and Earned channels

       *1) Influencer Marketing Paid, Owned, Earned MEDIA ·         Each of these media-types are very important for growing and establishing a brand. They are all vital for forming a marketing strategy that works and helps drive impressive results. ·          Paid media helps grow the results of earned media, since it drives traffic to the properties that you won. ·         Owned media makes it easier to have your brand be discovered. The more owned media you have, the better (as long as you actually remember to update and maintain them all!). Earned media is all about word of mouth. It revolves around the notion that when people talk about your content, your web traffic will grow. *2) Influencer marketing is a form of marketing in which the so-called Influencers play a major role. These are people running blogs and vlogs on various t...

Using Ads as a channel in a Digital Marketing Strategy

In the digital marketing world the terms paid media, owned media and earned media have been becoming increasingly popular.  *1.) POEM - P aid, O wned, E arned M edia Paid media means that you are paying to drive traffic to your content. A brand typically decides to utilize paid media when it wants to kick off exposure of content. The most common way to launch a paid media campaign is to use and advertising platform like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. These three platforms make it incredibly easy to boost the content to a very targeted audience. *2.) PPC - P ay  P er C lick In addition to using these three advertising platforms, re-targeting and Pay Per Click are also popular paid media options. With re-targeting you can serve ads ti people who have been recently on your website. For example you were visiting clothes shop online and then left without making a purchase on the website, but you can see the advertisement of the item on another website. A...

Using Social Media as part of the Digital Marketing Strategy

Using Social Media and doing the Business are nowadays in the Times of Internet something INDISPENSABLE. Especially when you are PHOTOGRAPHER, I believe. Living in 2020 and not promoting yourself online, would be like going back to Medieval Times and "committing professional suicide" ;). More "Pro" is rather using old techniques  like analog photography, but adapting them to the modern world marketing. Obviously the first "obligatory" tool for Photographer is Instagram, but also FaceBook is helping to get to the Customers even quicker.                           In the beginning I thought that when being the Photographer, the first thing to compose would be the own website with the whole portfolio, but actually it is much easier to promote your work on FaceBook, where you can join special groups where customers search for photographers or photographers communicate each other about their questions and expe...

Business Model Canvas & The 5 S'S

Being already on Advanced level of the course can slightly dizzle with so much information gathered. *a Therefore in the current post I presented the condensed and adapted to my business content. *b The Business Model Canvas is a tool used by business owners and managers to plan their strategy and business model. It can be used to plan any sort of business. It divides a business into 9 parts and can describe any business type and size. *1 What I found most interesting/tricky in creating the Business Model Canvas, in my opinion, is that we can learn a lot from our competition. We can choose some competitors and map their business models. Armed with this information we will have deep inside into what customers want and what they are willing to pay for. We will have a clearer picture of just how customer's needs are met across the entire industry, not just in our own company, based on successful or unsuccessful businesses' stories. *2 Thinking specifically on th...