Using Ads as a channel in a Digital Marketing Strategy

In the digital marketing world the terms paid media, owned media and earned media have been becoming increasingly popular. 

POEM - Paid, Owned, Earned Media

Paid media means that you are paying to drive traffic to your content.
A brand typically decides to utilize paid media when it wants to kick off exposure of content. The most common way to launch a paid media campaign is to use and advertising platform like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. These three platforms make it incredibly easy to boost the content to a very targeted audience.

PPC - Pay Per Click
In addition to using these three advertising platforms, re-targeting and Pay Per Click are also popular paid media options. With re-targeting you can serve ads ti people who have been recently on your website. For example you were visiting clothes shop online and then left without making a purchase on the website, but you can see the advertisement of the item on another website.

As per Clicks campaign means that you are buying ads, most commonly om search engines, that promote your website. These ads can be very effective, because they capture the attention of your target audience while they are in the middle of searching for what you offer.

Google Ads - previously AdWords
* online advertising platform
*paid platform
*you create Ads
*choose when you want them to appear
*select keywords relevant to your business
*when user searches Google using these words, your Ad can appear next to their search results
*Your Ads can appear on other websites with relevant content 
*cost-effective, only paid when clicked on
*Targeting-Specific interests, Keywords, Location, Demographics, Day/Time, Frequency, Devices

Owned Media refers to any web property that you fully control. The most common example of owned media (besides the primary website) is a blog or the social media channels that a brand operates. Both of these owned media examples are simply extensions of your website and help further establish the brand as being reputable. The more owned media that your company has, the more chances you have of growing your brand using digital resources.

Earned Media can be thought of as online word of mouth. These means that reviews, mentions, shares, re-posts, retweets, and anything that can be thought of as being part of the viral cycle.
One of the most powerful ways to increase your earned media results is to increase your search engine ranking. When you are able to hit the first page of a Google search, your traffic will begin to increase. When your traffic increases, engagement with your website and brand will naturally increase.
While creating the brand content it should be both interesting and informative. Brand content also doesn’t just mean creating a blog; it means creating press releases, videos, info-graphics, e-books, and more. If your content is bad, you won’t be able to harness the valuable power of earned media...*3.)

Example tools for competitive analysis:

Example tools for creating prototype Ads:

4. Naomi Kendal's presentation 2020


  1. Nice comparison as Earned Media being like word of mouth!


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