Business Model Canvas & The 5 S'S

Being already on Advanced level of the course can slightly dizzle with so much information gathered.

Therefore in the current post I presented the condensed and adapted to my business content.

The Business Model Canvas is a tool used by business owners and managers to plan their strategy and business model. It can be used to plan any sort of business.
It divides a business into 9 parts and can describe any business type and size. *1

What I found most interesting/tricky in creating the Business Model Canvas, in my opinion, is that we can learn a lot from our competition. We can choose some competitors and map their business models. Armed with this information we will have deep inside into what customers want and what they are willing to pay for. We will have a clearer picture of just how customer's needs are met across the entire industry, not just in our own company, based on successful or unsuccessful businesses' stories. *2

Thinking specifically on the photography business I found website with a blank simplified table and I filled it in answering the questions placed as Photographer's Business Model Canvas questions:


Going further with the topic...

What are the 5S of digital marketing?
The 5s is a strategy developed by Chaffey and Smith (authors of several books on Digital Marketing theory- for instance "EMarketing EXcellence") back in 2000 that provides a clear framework for effective digital marketing strategy to attract and retain the customers.

The 5s basically stand for Sell, Serve, Speak, Save, and Sizzle.

In details:
1. Sell
Sell is an indispensable aspect of any digital marketing business because the aim of the company is to gain profit as much as possible from sales.
2. Serve
As the popular proverb says, “Customer is the king”, it’s crucial to know the needs and requirements of our customers and to serve them accordingly.
3. Speak
Communication plays a major role in any marketing business. It is very important for both customers and suppliers to communicate and share their needs.
4. Save
When marketing the products digitally or on an online platform it will automatically help in saving money, time and efforts. Advertising, print media, postage, and customers service can be reduced in exchange of digital marketing.  It is much more cost-effective than traditional marketing. Moreover online marketing helps to get instant responses and save time and efforts to do things manually.

5. Sizzle
Sizzle is about how you build and enhance the brand name online. It is all about creativity in achieving or building the brand’s presence in the Internet. Creative and interactive posts help to attract the customers. And the most important is to build trust, recognition, and relationship with the end customer. *4

Bibliography (inspired by the sources)
a,b) browsing results on "business gif" in Google
1.) Naomi Kendal 2020 presentation


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